Review Button

We value your feedback.
Thank you for visiting Vittorio Menswear & Tuxedo. We’d like to invite you to share you experience with our store. Your review not only helps us, it helps other potential customers as well.

We’d be very appreciative if you’d click one or more of the buttons below to leave your review about your experience with us. The buttons will take you right to the review site and you do need to have an account with Google or Yelp to leave a review, so you may need to log in when you get there.

Review Button - Yelp

Review Button - Google

Since these review sites favor quality reviews, here are some writing tips to make your review useful:

  • Write more than 1 sentence
  • Add details about your experience that support your rating
  • Offer constructive feedback
  • Write in your own personal style.

Thank you for providing us with your feedback!  Questions or comments? Contact us at (585) 467-7711